OBU Announces 2018 Fall Chapel Theme and Speakers
August 27, 2018
Oklahoma Baptist University recently announced the theme and speaker lineup for the Fall 2018 Chapel Series. This semester’s theme will be, “Fully Devoted to Christ: What could God do with one completely yielded soul?”
The fall semester chapel series began the week of Aug. 20 with the Fall Challenge series. The first regular chapel service of the semester will take place Wednesday, Aug. 29, with OBU’s annual Convocation Chapel. OBU President Dr. David Whitlock will deliver the address.
Dr. David Gambo, assistant professor of Christian ministry, will begin the series Sept. 5 with an interpretation of the “Fully Devoted to Christ” theme. Go Week chapels take place the following week, with services being held Sept. 10, 12 and 14. Kevin DeShazo, founder of Fieldhouse Media and an expert on social media and university students, will speak during the Bison Way Chapel Sept. 17.
The series will continue with messages from Anthony Scott, pastor of First Baptist Church of North Tulsa, Sept. 19, and Billy Kim, internationally known pastor and chairman of the Far East Broadcasting Company, along with a special appearance by the Korean Children’s Choir, Sept. 26.
Dr. Ed Newton, pastor of Community Bible Church, will continue the series Oct. 3. Additional speakers during October include Dr. Bobby Kelly, OBU Ruth Dickinson Professor of Religion, Oct. 10; Sherri Coale, O.U. women’s basketball coach, Oct. 12; the Hobbs Lecture featuring Bruce Ashford, provost and professor at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Oct. 17; and Todd Sanders, BGCO student education specialist and Falls Creek associate, Oct. 24. Ruth Chou Simons, GraceLaced artist, author, entrepreneur and speaker, will conclude the month with the chapel address Oct. 31.
The fall chapel series will continue in November with speaker Emerson Falls, BGCO Native American ministries, Nov. 7. The GO Commissioning chapel for J-Term missions will take place Friday, Nov. 16. Mitch Glaser and Jorge Sedaca with Chosen People USA will speak Nov. 28. The fall semester chapel series will conclude with the annual OBU Christmas Chapel Dec. 5.