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Give to the Honors Program

The Honors Program at OBU invites students to read the great books that have shaped the Western world and to consider the big questions that are perennial in human life. Honors invites students to think about the human experience and about our relationship with God. Our triple-team taught core courses explore Western Civilization and Christian history from antiquity to the present age.

Your gift ensures that:

  • OBU Honors can continue to influence the next generation of future shapers by providing a thorough and rigorous classical Christian liberal arts education grounded in the best that has been thought and said and dedicated to the pursuit of truth, goodness, and beauty.
  • OBU can continue to attract the most academically promising students and influence their hearts and minds for the love of wisdom.
  • Academically gifted students can graduate from college free of debt and begin careers and family lives that will contribute to the common good without the financial burden of college loans.
  • Tomorrow’s leaders in the church can understand the foundations of the faith and the history of Christianity from antiquity to the challenges of postmodernity.
  • Tomorrow’s citizens can understand the political foundations of freedom and of responsible government in America and the Western world.

To donate to the Honors Program Scholarship, use the form below and make sure to select Honors Program Scholarship as the program you want to support. Thank you for your investment in our students!