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Global Outreach Trip FAQs

Important ID Requirements

Some forms of state-issued ID may no longer be acceptable for domestic travel, which may mean some in-country GO trip participants will require a passport. Check if your drivers' license is compliant with the REAL ID Act by visiting the DHS website's REAL ID page.


GO Trip Applications for Winter 25/26 trips must be submitted by Monday, March 24, 2025.

We recommend completing the application in one sitting, as it will not save if you exit the page. Expect the application to take 30-45 minutes to fill out.

Once you have submitted your application and we have received your reference forms, you will receive an email which will invite you to the Global Outreach Center in GC 101 to sign up for an interview. Interviews will be held with two Global Outreach and/or Student Ministry staff and will last no longer than 30 minutes.

You do not need your passport to fill out the application. However, if you do not have your passport with you at OBU, you need to make arrangements to get us a copy as soon as possible. We suggest one of the following options:

  • have someone mail your passport to you
  • have someone scan a legible copy of your passport to you
  • surprise your family with a visit and pick up your passport while you're there
  • invite your family to come buy you dinner in Shawnee and ask them to bring your passport when they come 

We will not accept faxed or illegible copies of your passport.

If your trip requires a visa prior to departure, you must drop off your actual passport to the GO Center as soon as possible. It will be returned to you once your visa is obtained.


We strongly advise you to check the U.S. State Department's travel website before applying for your passport. While we try to provide accurate and helpful information, it is important to keep in mind that passport rules, regulations, and fees are subject to change at any time. You will find the most up to date information at the U.S. Department of State website.

Check the expiration date. If your passport has already expired OR will expire within 6 months of your travel dates, you need to renew your passport. Here is a general guideline:

  • J-Term trips: passport cannot expire before July of the same year
  • Summer trips: passport cannot expire before February of the following year

You can access the Passport Application Page of the State Department's website. Fill out and print the DS-11 form.

Take your completed application, certified copy of your birth certificate, passport photos, application fee, processing fee, and photo ID to the nearest Passport Acceptance Facility. If you live in Shawnee, you can apply for a passport at the Pottawatomie County Court Clerk at 325 N Broadway, Shawnee, OK 74801.

Do NOT sign the application until instructed to do so by the Acceptance Agent.

Please note that you need to apply for a passport BOOK and not a passport CARD.

Passport pricing is subject to change, but based on our most recent check, a new passport book costs a total of $135. (Please check the State Department website for current fees). Payment must be made as instructed below:

  • $110 application fee; check or money order made payable to "Department of State"
  • $25 execution fee; check or money order made payable as instructed by the Acceptance Facility

You will need the following documentation when you apply for your passport:

  • Completed DS-11 form (Do NOT sign until instructed to do so at the Acceptance Facility)
  • Certified copy of your birth certificate
  • A certified birth certificate has a registrar's raised, embossed, impressed or multicolored seal, registrar's signature, and the date the certificate was filed with the registrar's office, which must be within 1 year of your birth. Please note that some short (abstract) versions of birth certificates may not be acceptable for passport purposes. A photocopy will NOT be accepted.
  • Two passport photos
  • Current Passport Fees
  • You will need TWO checks. One for payment at the Passport Acceptance Facility and one to send in with your application.

You can get your passport photos taken at a Walgreens or a CVS. Passport photos come as a set of two photos and range from $7-$15. Based on our most recent research, the cost was $9.99 at Walgreens and CVS. You may be able to find coupons if you search online.

Please note that you may also need to turn in additional photos for a visa application, depending on your GO Trip destination. (The Global Outreach Center and your team leader will give further instructions about visa applications if this applies to your trip).

You can view instructions by state for requesting a copy of your birth records. You must request the records from the state where you were born, not where you currently reside. For states that offer long form and short form versions of birth certificates, be sure to request the long form.

If you do not have primary evidence of U.S. citizenship or your U.S. birth certificate does not meet the requirements, please follow instructions for obtaining Secondary Evidence of U.S. Citizenship.

Pottawatomie County Clerk (325 N Broadway Shawnee, OK 74804)

To contact the County Clerk's Office about passport questions, call 405.273.3624.

Passport processing time is subject to change at any time so do not delay in submitting your application. The process typically takes several weeks from the time you mail off your passport application until you actually receive your passport.

Please note that the Global Outreach Center must have your passport information on file in order to book your plane ticket. Tickets are often booked months in advance to ensure sufficient availability for the team.

We ask that you submit a copy of your passport application and a copy of your receipt (received at the passport office when you applied) as proof that you have begun the process. If you have not submitted your passport application by the required time, your GO Trip participation will undergo further review.

Do not delay in applying for your passport!

Access the Passport Renewal Page of the State Department's website. Fill out and print the DS-82 form. You must sign and date Form DS-82 on page 1 of the application.

Mail the following original documents (not copies) in a padded envelope to the address listed on the form:

  • Form DS-82 (signed and dated on page 1)
  • Your most recent U.S. Passport
  • Two Passport Photos
  • A marriage certificate or court order (only if your current name is different from what was recorded in your most recent U.S. passport)
  • Check or money order of current passport fees (most recently $110)

Please note: You are strongly encouraged to mail your passport application and any personal documents using a traceable delivery method.

In order to protect the contents of your mailing from the elements throughout the delivery process, we encourage you to mail your passport application and any personal documents using a secure means of packaging, such as a Tyvek envelope.

For more information, including how to attach your second photo to the application, please see Helpful Hints for Submitting Form DS-82.

Passport pricing is subject to change, but based on our most recent check, the fee to renew your passport is $110. Check or money order should be made payable to "Department of State." Please check the State Department website for current fees.

Yes, we will still accept your application. We understand that it takes many weeks from the day you submit your passport application to receive it by mail. The important thing is that you begin the process NOW. We do ask that you submit a copy of your passport application and a copy of the receipt that you received at the passport office when you attend the contract meeting as proof that you have begun the process. If you have not submitted your passport application by the required time, your GO Trip participation will undergo further review.

No, passport fees are not included in your trip cost. However, if you are raising financial support it is best to let close family members know of these specific costs so they can give you cash or write you a personal check for these costs.

Steps to GOing

The first step is filling out the GO Trip application. Please allow 30-45 minutes to fill out the application as it will not save if you exit the page.

Along with the application, you will be asked to submit the names and emails of an OBU professor/staff member and a church staff member. This information will aid us in sending a reference form to those individuals. We must receive the reference forms before you can continue in the application process.

Once you have filled out the application, you will receive an email to go to the Global Outreach Center in GC 101 to sign up for an interview time. Your interview will be with two Global Outreach or Student Ministry staff and will be no more than 30 minutes long.

Once you have been interviewed, the Global Outreach Staff will review your application and contact you to let you know if you have been accepted for a GO Trip. At that time, you will need to come by the Global Outreach Center to pick up a packet of forms that will need to be completed by the contract meeting.

This meeting is mandatory. When you come to the contract meeting, you will need to bring the completed packet of forms you picked up from the Global Outreach Center. You must bring:

Note: If you do not plan to see your parents before the contract meeting, direct them to this page so they can fill out the parent consent form and send it to you through mail before the contract meeting. Parents, please read our Letter to Parents.

Once you have been accepted as a Global Outreach team member, you will then send out 50 letters to friends and family using the Sample Support Letter as a guide. Your team may also work together to do a separate fundraiser. For example, some teams sell t-shirts, bracelets, coffee, etc. Be creative! If you do not have the expected amount in your account halfway through the semester, you will be asked to send out 25 additional letters. Don't forget to talk to your church about a scholarship or love offering. Also, there are a couple of scholarship opportunities available through the Global Outreach Center.

All Global Outreach team members must attend one full semester of orientation prior to their GO Trip. Orientations are offered Monday evenings from 6-7 p.m. as well as Wednesday afternoons from 3:30-4:30 p.m. There will also be two mandatory weekend events in the semester. The full schedule will be available upon being approved to participate in a GO Trip.

Yes. All GO Trip team members will be required to attend large group training sessions once a week provided by the Global Outreach Center as well as weekly team meetings scheduled by the student team leaders the semester prior to their GO Trip. If you are unable to attend GO Trip Training and team meetings for your team, your GO Trip participation will be subject to further review.


The cost of most GO Trips is $3,900. Each person participating in a GO Trip is responsible for raising his/her own funds for the trip.

Your trip cost covers all of your on-the-field expenses. On-the-field expenses include things such as round-trip air travel and/or rental vehicles, housing, food, local transportation, ministry supplies and expenses, visa fees and airport taxes when applicable, and miscellaneous or unforeseen expenses. In addition to on-field expenses, your trip cost includes travel insurance, training costs, and faculty/staff mentor cost supplement. The cost supplement allows us to help mentors financially as they sacrifice personal time and time away from family, work, and other responsibilities to lead and serve with you. We ask a lot from team mentors and think it is important to be able to help them in this way.

The trip cost does not cover your passport or immunizations. However, if you know a family member is interested in supporting your trip, you may ask them to cover the cost of your passport or immunizations by sending you a check.

The Global Outreach Center will provide you with a Sample Support Letter which will aid you in raising funds on your own. It is a requirement that each team member send out 50 support letters to friends, family, or church members. The Global Outreach Center will receive your donations and keep track of your funds raised and record a list of all those who have given towards your trips. This list will aid you in sending thank you letters and communicating details about your trip.

We leave this decision to each individual team. There is no requirement that each team do a fundraiser, but if a team decides they want to, it is an option.

All proposed fundraisers must be submitted to the Global Outreach Center for approval before promoting and starting the fundraiser. Once approval has been granted, teams may proceed with the fundraiser.

The team will need to decide how the money is to be distributed among team members and inform the Global Outreach Center when the funds are turned in for deposit. However, since the money is raised, it is not tax-deductible for any team member.

Yes, you will be provided with a Sample Support Letter in the packet you receive at your interview.

You must include where you are going, what you will be doing, how much your trip costs, and where your donor can send a check or cash. All checks are made payable to Oklahoma Baptist University and must be sent to the following address.

Global Outreach Trip
OBU Box 61143
500 W. University St.
Shawnee, OK 74804

Be sure to include that donors can also give online.

Postage is a cost that you must pay separate from the cost of the trip. However, if you are raising financial support it is best to let close family members know of these specific costs so they can give you cash or write you a personal check for these costs.

Yes, donations that meet the criteria can be tax-deductible. Tax-deductible donations must be made payable to Oklahoma Baptist University with the understanding that the Global Outreach Center at Oklahoma Baptist University has complete discretion and control over the use of all donated funds, and donated funds are non-refundable. Donations in the form of cash or check will be accepted. Checks should be made payable to Oklahoma Baptist University. With the donation, a donor form is required with the donor's name, email, mailing address, student the donor is sponsoring, and amount of donation. The donor must sign the donor form to receive a receipt for tax deductions. 

No, you may not charge your GO Trip cost to your student account.

The deposit is due at the contract meeting. If for any reason you do not participate in the trip, the deposit is non-refundable (regardless of the reason or timing of your withdrawal or removal from the team). We strongly encourage that you personally pay this deposit. We ask that you make personal sacrifices toward the cost of your trip, and this is a good place to start.

In our experience, students who have worked hard and prayed hard from the beginning have been able to raise the necessary funds. During the contract meeting we will provide you with important information about raising support as well as offer some ideas on how to do this. We are also available to coach you through the process of raising support.

We encourage you to communicate your concerns about finances to the Global Outreach Center and well as to your team mentor. The more you communicate with us about your financial situation, the more we are able to help you in the process. We encourage you to talk to us early on about your concerns. The longer you wait, the less we will be able to help you.

If you have extra money in your account, the funds will be used as explained below (in this order):

  • Excess funds will remain within the individual's team/trip until all team needs have been met.
  • Any further excess funds will be used toward any remaining needs on other GO Trip teams.

Your excess funds cannot be refunded to you nor to donors, nor can you use the money for study abroad programs, mission trips or fundraising efforts not part of the Global Outreach Center of Oklahoma Baptist University. (Please note that these limitations are a result of tax laws and regulations).


Visit the Center for Disease Control website to search by country for required and/or recommended vaccinations.

CDC divides vaccines for travel into three categories: routine, recommended, and required. While your doctor will tell you which ones you should have, it's best to be aware of them ahead of time.

  • Routine Vaccinations: Be sure that you are up to date on your routine vaccinations. These vaccines are necessary for protection from diseases that are still common in many parts of the world even though they rarely occur in the United States. If you are not sure which vaccinations are routine, view the recommended immunization schedule for adults over the age of 18.
  • Recommended Vaccinations: These vaccines are recommended to protect travelers from illnesses present in other parts of the world and to prevent the importation of infectious diseases across international borders. Which vaccinations you need depends on a number of factors including your destination, whether you will be spending time in rural areas, the season of the year you are traveling, your age, health status, and previous immunizations. See the destinations page and look up the country or countries you will visit.
  • Required Vaccinations: The only vaccine required by International Health Regulations is yellow fever vaccination for travel to certain countries in sub-Saharan Africa and tropical South America. Meningococcal vaccination is required by the government of Saudi Arabia for annual travel during the Hajj. If either of these apply to you, visit the CDC Vaccinations web page for more information.

Where you can get your shots depends on what shots you need. We recommend that you call ahead to make an appointment and confirm that the needed immunizations will be available. When you call you should also check on the possibility of using insurance to help cover the costs. If your insurance does not cover the cost of immunizations, you may want to call around to check prices.

One awesome clinic we recommend looking into is Passport Health OKC. They are located at 3330 Northwest 56th St, Ste 106, Oklahoma City, OK 73112. Their phone number is 405.415.0001 and their website is Other possible options for where to get shots include your primary care physician, the Pottawatomie County Health Department, or the Oklahoma State Department of Health. The Pottawatomie County Health Department is located at 1904 Gordon Cooper Drive, Shawnee, OK 74801-8698. To contact by phone, call 405.273.2157. The Oklahoma State Department of Health is located in downtown Oklahoma City at 1000 NE 10thStreet, Oklahoma City, OK 73117. To reach the Immunization Service, call 1.800.234.6196 or 405.271.4073. 

Keep in mind that some immunizations are required weeks or months ahead of time and/or are a series of shots over a period of time. Some health care providers may have to order the specific immunizations that you need so be sure to plan ahead.

The cost varies based on the shot, the health care provider, and your insurance coverage. See the previous question for more information about where to get your shots.

No, immunization costs are not included in your trip cost. However, if you are raising financial support it is best to let close family members know of these specific costs so they can give you cash or write you a personal check for these costs.

Safety and Security

At the GO Center, it is our aim to alleviate and eliminate as many potential risks as possible for our students as they travel. It is our desire to see students serving in Global Outreach trips grow in their spiritual journey, have a great experience while on the trip, and return safely with a changed heart directed toward service and the Nations.

There is always a risk associated with going anywhere, whether across the street or across the ocean. First and foremost, we believe God is sovereign and trustworthy in all things, and the name of Christ is worth the unknown risks associated with overseas travel.

At the same time, the safety of our students is of utmost importance to us. All GO Trip Participants will go through mandatory safety and security training during GO Trip orientation. Proper preparation drastically reduces most risks associated with travel. We also constantly monitor world events and local events in the places where our students are going. Our field contacts are highly trained and experienced, and they help us to better understand the situation in their particular location. If the security situation changes in a location and the GO Center leadership deems it unsafe for students, the team will either be rerouted to a different location or delayed until further notice. If the security situation in a location changes while our team is there, they will abide by the contingency plan of the field contacts and will be supported through contact with trained GO Center Staff, who will determine the appropriate steps to take.

Global Outreach Staff are available to address any further questions from students or parents by using the contact information on the right-hand side of your screen.