Assessment Resources
One of the pillars of success at Oklahoma Baptist University is the ongoing assessment process.
Academic Assessment
Every degree program at OBU is assessed on an annual basis for student learning outcomes. A program is defined as a degree, major, or concentration (but not an emphasis).
The following documents provide an outline of the academic assessment processes at OBU:
Here are some videos designed to help you with these processes and to refresh your memory:
- Linking Educational Goals and Student Learning Outcomes (Demonstration Video)
- Creating a Curriculum Map (Demonstration Video)
In addition to the annual assessment of student learning outcomes, OBU uses a periodic assessment process that uses external benchmarking, business case analysis, facility evaluation, and long-term trending of academic data known as the Academic Program Review (APR).
Operational Assessment
Progress toward operational objectives is planned and documented on an annual basis through the budget review.
The following documents provide an outline of the academic assessment processes at OBU:
Here are some training videos on Budget Unit assessment:
- Budget Unit Assessment Training (Video of Training)
- Quality Checking and Updating Your Budget Unit Assessment (Demonstration Video)